Register for Fall Sessions:
Please note a few key dates:
--All Sprint rowers need to either complete the August 26th Swim Test at Gordon at 4pm OR complete a swim test elsewhere and submit a swim test waiver form to GCRC.
--All independent (or desiring to be independent) Masters rowers and Coxswains MUST attend the All-Boathouse Safety Meeting on August 27th at 7pm either on Zoom or in person, at the Boathouse. Junior Rowers are strongly encouraged to attend as well.
Season Details:
Fall, High School Juniors: $750--August 26th-Nov 1st
Fall, Masters: $400----August 26th-Nov 1st
Fall, Middie Juniors: $650----August 26th-Nov 1st
Fall, Parent/Child Discount Rate (Applies to the Master): $300
Winter, All Rowers, Session I ONLY: $350— January 8th-March 1st
Winter, All Rowers, Session II ONLY: $250— March 11th-April 17th
Winter, All Rowers, Both Sessions: $550—January 8th-April 17th
Winter, Masters/Juniors Parent Discounted Rate: $450
Juniors Sprint Season, Session I **Does Not Include Youth Nationals Trip**: $750—April 17th-June 9th
Juniors Sprint Season, Session II **Does Not Include Canadian Henley Trip**: $850—June 9th-August 11th
Juniors Sprint, Both Sessions: $1,300— April 17th-August 11th
Middies Sprint Season, Session I: $650—April 17th-June 9th
Middies Sprint Season, Session II: $750—June 9th-August 11th
Middies Sprint, Both Sessions: $1,200—April 17th-August 11th
Masters Sprint Season, Session I: $300—April 17th-June 9th
Masters Sprint Season, Session II: $400—June 9th-August 11th
Masters Sprint Season, Both Sessions: $700— April 17th-August 11th
Sprint, Masters/Juniors Parent Discounted Rate: $600
Payment Link (copy paste into browser):
If you need to set up a payment plan, please email Coach Hopkins at and we will set one up for you!